"The Octagon House" ~ Bernie Rosage Jr. ~ ART-111-103-Art Appreciation ~ Sara Gant, Instructor ~ Final Art Project ~ Spring Semester 2011


Sources and Works Cited

I could not have done this project without the information gathered by scores of people. I gleaned all my information from various online resources and have included a link to each in the sidebar of this blog under the title "Links of Interest". I encourage you to explore them and gain a better understanding and appreciation for Octagon Houses and the special movement spurred by Orson Fowler and his book. I also got a large portion of my info from the pamphlet "A Brief History of the Octagon House" put out by the Shell Pointe Retirement Company that is available to visitors of the Octagon House. My maps are courtesy of Google Maps. Some of the photographs I used are taken from the sites already mentioned but the majority of them were taken by me and my daughter, Olivia, on our many trips to the Octagon House. I hope you enjoyed this presentation.

Bernie Rosage Jr.